Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Advent of the JINXED tomatoes!!

I really can’t understand what is it with me and tomatoes. A couple of months ago my sister-in-law had asked me to buy 1 kg of tomatoes & 1 kg of onions on my way back home from office. So I bought them in two separate polythene bags. But when I reached home, the onions were intact but there was just 1 tomato left in the other bag. Apparently I had dropped midway and never realized it. I must have been thinking deeply about something else. My whole family was baffled as to how I could possibly not realize the gradual loss in weight in my hand. The mystery remains unsolved till date. That was then!

The tomatoes haunt me again.

This evening mom asked me to buy 1 kg of tomatoes, some green masala (curry leaves, coriander leaves, green chilies & ginger). Since she had not been home, dinner wasn’t cooked. I suggested she rather not stress herself with the cooking and I shall get some food packed. Now I go to the restaurant, place the order. I need to wait some 15 minutes till my parcel is ready. So to kill time, I call up Amol and recall the tomato blunder. He advises me to click a snap of the bag then n there itself, so that when I reach home there will be a different story altogether. I pay no heed. I start gazing at the people entering the restaurant. I need to kill time remember. Then I start going through the menu card trying to find out spelling mistakes (blame it on professional hazards). My parcel is ready. Mighty pleased, I walk away paying the bill. Board a rickshaw and I am on my way, rather happy that I didn’t have to endure much ordeal in getting one. By the time I have crossed 3/4th of my journey, I realize there’s something missing….DARN!!!!


Amol Naik said...

And the rest is history….. no no wait it’s “History Repeating”

I suggest that u marry a person who hates tomatoes, or else…… He Ha He Ha He Ha ……..

And you certainly have a bad habit of checking “speling miskates” in menu cards. I wish I could open a restaurant especially for you, and guess what will be name – “The Typo”

Sunisha said...

I anyways wouldn't want bloodshed in my marriage...

And for your kind information, it's spelling mistakes...not speling miskates...

Must say, very considerate of you to open a restaurant... and may I ask what would The Typo serve ???.. Menu cards i am presuming :-p

Amol Naik said...

you are really really very very smart female I have ever seen………….

Sunisha said...

That's all your influence, my Lord!