Thursday, November 15, 2007

Page 3 Fool

Common sense is so uncommon I say. There's a universal fact whereby whenever you consciously pose in front of a camera, you intend looking your ultimate best. The intention grows exponentially when you are being photographed by a journalist. Look at the psychopath in the picture and you'll know what I am talking about. Whoever handed the instrument should have at least had the courtesy to inform him that he was holding the bow upside down.

It really annoys the hell out of me when someone disrespects a musical instrument. Especially violin, since I know the pains that I went through to learn it. I have always been in awe of Hollywood where the actor actually takes the effort to learn the instrument before he/she sets about playing the character. Robert Deniro learnt Saxophone for New York, New York; Meryl Streep learnt the Bach Violin for Music of the Heart; Tom Hanks learnt the violin for The Man With One Red Shoe (a MUST-see hillarious movie).. the list goes on...and back home... there are so many blunders... I just cannot forget the life size poster of King Khan in Mohabattein...don't even want to mention the names of the rest...


Deepali said...

Honestly I didnt realized at first go what was wrong with the pic, but after reading 2 lines I looked up and realized.

Well what can you do - our whole nation believes in 'chalta hai' so they do the least amount possible.

Sunisha said...

Yeah! man...It is really saddening.. some people just won't change... that reminds me of a hoading that i read some where... "Mumbai mein sab chalta hai, bhaagne ki jagah kahaan hai" .. :-)