Monday, November 12, 2007

FINE is NOT okay!

It's always been the case that whenever I am in a hurry, a catastrophe is just waiting to explode.

Me and a couple of my friends were supposed to throw a surprise birthday party for another friend of mine. Was supposed to reach well in advance and plan the whole thing out. The venue was this huge mall up North. The fastest and cheapest way to reach the venue was our good ol' lifeline of Mumbai – the Local Train! Being a sunday, one can expect a queue of anywhere between 10ft to 25 ft to get the ticket. To make matters worse, I was running a wee bit late. So I ask Piyadee (my eldest Sis-in-law) if I could borrow some Coupons ...She hands over half booklet...As a worst case scenario, she also gives me her railway pass...but then again it has her snap stamped on it.. I couldn't possibly use it. As for the coupons, I still I think it's the best thing that the Railways could come up with...a great time saver. No queues...just punch your coupon and you are ready to travel. Don't really understand why people don't stick to coupons rather than stand in those mindless queues. No extra money is charged whatsoever. Anyways, there I was at Santacruz station, punched my coupons and waited for the train to arrive. A rather smartly dressed TC (Ticket Collector) approaches and asks for my ticket. Fair enough! I flaunt my punched coupons. To my sheer surprise it is refused outrightly. I had punched used coupons. So basically I was about to travel without a ticket. He takes me to a secluded cabin..Man! I have been travelling for a year from Santacruz..and I never knew about the existence of this cabin.. I have to pay a fine, he says. How much??.. Rs.261/- (this amount includes the ticket cost which i was expected to buy in the first place). He starts a trivial conversation.. Are you studying or working?? ..I work as a writer (hate the blank look on people's face when I tell them I am a copywriter...writer is a safe bet) ... In a newspaper?? work for an advertising agency (he seemed rather relieved on hearing that) Where are you going?.. With a sad face, I inform him that I was on my way to attend a friend's birthday party. I ask him, can the amount be reduced?? He asks, You don't have money to pay the fine?.. Well, I do but I will have to take it out of the amount that I was willing to pay for the birthday gift... He empathizes and says he would only take Rs.150/- .. I would that help?? He tells me he would consider another offender and club my fine charges alongwith. I clarify, so a receipt won't be made right??..Correct!! So that means the money would basically go into your pocket (Darn!! I should learn not to put my foot in my mouth)... He smiled back and handed me the receipt..


Deepali said...

Receipt of 261 or 150?
and how do they charge your fine to someone else?

Sunisha said...

for 150 he wouldn't give me a receipt.. being a law-abiding citizen that I am ..sigh sigh.. paid the entire amount..sob sob...