Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Less than 2 feet of Fashion Statement!

Till date, I have never thought well in advance as to what outfit am I gonna wear when I step out of my home. It has always been a last minute decision depending entirely on subject to availability. So it was a complete shock when I heard Gujiyaa (the kiddo in the pic who stands almost 2 feet and is all of 3 years of age) make such a style statement. Soon after breakfast, he comes up to his mom, " I need to see the dress that I am supposed to wear today". As if that was not enough, his mother informs us of his other preferences. He always has to tuck his shirt in, irrespective of a jacket or a shirt which is designed to be worn tucked out. Half trousers are not his cup of tea at all. There are intricacies involved there as well, like no matter how long the trousers are, it should never be folded from the bottom. The trousers are to be worn in such a fashion that the rear end of the shoe should never be visible, and only the tip of the front end of the shoe can be seen. Maybe we can soon expect a kid's version of Fashion TV :-)


Deepali said...

Man all kids today look designer. They were more colourful and fancy clothes than compared to some of more fashion conscious people.
I think it's all because of the parents of course.

Sunisha said...

Even media has to be blamed. They project such a larger than life image. When the adults themselves find it hard to resist, it is really unfair to blame the kids..